Set Terms and Lingo
The cue that is shouted when the camera starts rolling
Abby is the second to last shot of the day. Martini is the last shot of the day.
Announced on set so everyone knows to pack up any equipment, not in use.
A piece of grip equipment used for adding height and leveling. It is a wooden box. Sizes include Full, Half, Quarter, and pancake.
Background is the term for the non-speaking extras seen in the background of a scene.
Area where all trailers (cast, makeup, hair, wardrobe, AD trailer, etc) and some production vehicles are kept.
The physical movements used by actors in a scene
A firm commitment to a performer to do a specific job
A detailed listing and description of roles available for casting in a production.
An offer of full payment in lieu of residuals, when the contract permits
Production term for daily listing of shooting schedule, scenes and cast involved
The time you are due on a set
A follow-up audition
Often known as an”open call,” a large open audition
Camera term for a tight shot of the shoulders and face
An unrehearsed reading of a scene, usually at auditions
Percentage of a performer’s earnings paid to an agent’s managers for their services
When production travels to a different location during the workday
Screening of footage before it is edited
To add items/props to the set
Overtime after the 16th hour
A contractual obligation for a performer to be available for work
Set payment by an advertiser to retain the right to use a performer’s services, images or likeness on an exclusive basis
An in-studio technique matching voice to picture (Also known as ADR)
When production violates the required meal break for the crew, cast, and background, the production company has to pay a violation price. Non-Union can only incur one penalty.
Breakfast is not deducted from your check. For 15 minutes in the morning OFF clock ALL CAST, AND BACKGROUND are entitled to a 15 minute breakfast. If production violates the 15 minutes they can incur a MPV. These 15 minutes brings you up to crew call
The actual time after which you have changed out of wardrobe and are released
A camera shot which sweeps from side to side
An added take because of a problem with a shot
A point of view shot; camera angle from the perspective of one actor
A performer with lines or special business which advances the storyline
Minimum payment for services under Union contracts
Pages or scenes from a script used for auditions
Parent’s right’s under Union contracts to be within the sight of the child performer at all times
A board (usually black and white) placed in front of the cameras at the beginning or end of each take of each scene, identifying the scene and take numbers.
If someone asks you to switch to 2, you respond with “switching”. This takes you to a private channel where things are discussed more in detail. Conversations on channel 1 should be no longer than one sentence. Anything longer should be taken to channel 2. Once you’re finished with your conversation on channel 2, you say “back to one” which means you’re switching back to channel 1.
A federal statute that allows 30 days after first employment before being required to join a Union
Operates a small video system called a video tap that records everything the camera is recording. This allows the director to see what the camera operator sees thus assuring that the shot looks the way it was planned to.
Board-approved permission for deviation from the terms of a contract
Common term used meaning “what’s is your location?”
A legal document required to allow a child to work, issued by various state or local agencies
Finishing a production
“I understood the message”
“I did not understand the message, please repeat”. You can also say “come back on that”.
‘Ethan’ being your name; ‘Nicky’ being the person you want to reach. GO FOR NICKY is the response. “I heard you call for me; what’s up?”
Alternative reply to 10-4
Message heard and understood. You can also use this to ask if a message has been received. Example: “Do you copy?”
A person accidentally holding or bumping the talk button on their radio.
When a message needs to be conveyed to another radio channel. Example: “Spin that message to transportation on channel 3, please.”
When someone or something is en route; as in, “I’m flying in masking tape.”
Location; as in, “What’s your 20?”
When you understand the request and are actively working on it. Use only if you have started the work.
“I hear you; await further instruction.” / “I’m awaiting further instruction”